Meet our Parents

Meet Our Girls

LilaBea (Retired-Mama)

LilaBea is a mini GoldenDoodle (F2b) and weighs 30lbs. She has curly, cream hair. She is one of Delilah's babies from her first litter with Beau. LilaBea's favorite things include squeak toys, treats, O.D (original daddy) & drinking ice water. She was born in our home and lives in her forever home with close by family. 

Charli (Mama)

Charli is a petite Golden Doodle (F2b) and weighs 16lbs. She has soft curly, creme hair. She is one of Delilah's babies (with daddy Beau.) Charli loves to be the center of attention (espcially with her Mama) and espcially loves to be in your lap getting all the pets and snuggles. Charli was born in our home and lives in her forever home with nearby family. Charli is smart and knows lots of tricks :)

Delilah (Retired Mama)

Delilah is a mini GoldenDoodle (F1) and weighs 30lbs. She has wavy, redish apricot hair. Delilah's favorite things include play time, car rides, pool fetching, giving hugs, & snuggle time! She loves rolling the windows down in the car (which she does herself with her paws) and letting her hair blow in the wind. She loves bath time but tolerates the blow dryer :) Delilah joined our family when she was 8 weeks old. She has a big brother Samson-the Great Dane- who we call  'Uncle Samson' with the babies and her daughter Lucy.

Lucy (Mama)

Lucy is a mini Golden Doodle (F2b) and weighs 30lbs. She has curly, reddish apricot hair. She is one of Delilah's babies (with daddy Beau). Lucy's favorite things include ANY PLAY, smuggling all toys outside, sleeping in the bed, snuggles, & Momma (Delilah). Lucy was born in our home and has been with us her entire life. Lucy is really smart and good at puzzles. 


Meet Our Boys

Beau (Retired Papa)

Beau is a mini Golden Doodle (F1b) and weighs 24lbs. He has a creme-apricot curly coat. Beau is very sweet and lovable. He has never met a stranger and loves to give kisses. He is the perfect size for an active lifetyle family (loves to go for a 5K run) but can still snuggle up in your arms for hours. He loves going to the dog park and playing with his friends. He is a very proud poppa!

Leo (Papa)

Leo is a petite Golden Doodle (F1) and weighs 19lbs. He has a velvety soft curly red coat with white marking on his chest, tail and paws. Leo is a gentleman, and loves to play and snuggle. 

Cowboy (Papa)

Cowboy is a mini Golden Doodle (F1) and weighs 34lbs. He has a reddish-apricot curly coat. Cowboy is very gentle, sweet, affectionate & playful. He loves bones,  ice & chew/tug toys. Cowboy loves a good ear & neck scratch and he is always happy to be your side.


Our Story

The first time Delilah & I saw each other it was love at first sight! I knew I wanted a Goldendoodle years before I found Delilah. After lots of reading about the breed, saving up and countless hours scouring the internet for the right puppy...I found her (4 years after my love of Goldendoodles began).

Shortly after Delilah came to live with me she made a friend named Beau (another mini Goldendoodle). He was handsome, spunky, and playful and Delilah got so excited every time his name was mentioned. After some discussion we decided to try for puppies with Beau & Delilah. It was a success and we had a perfect, healthy, beautiful litter of puppies!

Since then we have grown, we now have 3 momma dogs (LilaBea, Lucy & Charli) and 2 daddys (Cowboy & Leo). All of them are well loved and live in homes as part of the family. They live a good life full of adventure, play time & snuggles.

We love our doodles somethin' fierce & want to find forever homes for our puppies that will do the same.